


Sales Force Automation

Boost your sales performance and nurture strong, long-lasting customer relationships with SFA that empowers sales people to work more efficiently and collaboratively while reducing manual data entry, and improving productivity.

Marketing Automation

A Marketing Automation solution will save you time and ensure that each customer interaction is timely, relevant, and tailored to best prospects, boosting customer engagement, improving lead generation and strengthening existing relationships.

Customer & Client Services

With a Customer 360 approach, key data is available for decision making, empowering Users to drive customer satisfaction and helps you to understand how to be the business your customers want you to be.

Case Management

Modern Case Management means enabling people to focus their problem solving skills in resolving customer issues, while providing guidance and the ability to connect with customers anywhere through any channel.

No-Code Delivery

No-Code means better speed to market with technology solutions, reduced costs for developers and improved flexibility by reducing the dependencies involved with traditional software development.


Providing a streamlined and cost-effective means of testing and implementing new ideas, we can help to manage the risk perceptions and resource obstacles that may stop innovation happening.

No-code services

Whether through our 'easy-going' training solutions or the rich resources of Creatio Academy, we aim to equip individuals and teams with the skills and knowledge they need to be able to excel in their roles and make the most of transformative No-Code technologies.


Customer Insight & Engagement

Service, Sales & Marketing Coordination

Software Innovation

Enhanced Productivity

Does your business’ Ecosystem need a helping hand?

Format14CRM has the skills, experience and knowledge to turn even the most challenging set of requirements into a real world software application. If that means a customised CRM or creating a new business software application that you just can’t seem to find anywhere, we’d love to hear from you!

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