
You understand that No-Code and Citizen Development means better speed to market with technology solutions, reduced costs for developers and improved flexibility by reducing the dependencies involved with traditional software development.

But … how do you take maximum advantage of No-Code?

Format14CRM’s partner Creatio devised three distinct delivery models for modern businesses aiming to take full advantage of these benefits:

The delivery model which is closest to the “spirit” of No-Code is probably the “Do-It-Yourself” approach.

With the DIY model a dedicated team (often residing in a single business unit like Customer Experience or Sales) take the reins of no-code project development in addition to any other roles they play in the business.

Operating with a degree of autonomy as Citizen Developers, this team is free from the reliance on IT or external groups and are empowered and accountable for the work that they do . The simplicity of this approach offers distinct advantages as well as disadvantages as there is no team dedicated to No-Code as each contributor will have other tasks to perform.

Here are considerations to bear in mind for this model.

DIY Delivery Model:

  • Self-contained team within a single business unit.
  • Single autonomous project sponsor.
  • Removes dependency on IT when executing projects.
  • May consist of multiple teams creating apps for different business units.
  • The critical factor is that each team should have members that originate from the functional business unit that sponsors the app.

Considerations for Customers:

  • Simple to organise, operate and allocate resource to
  • Clear accountability and prioritisation of work
  • Challenges may arise due personnel availability
  • Low or No technical skills might result in obstacles in terms of integration with a legacy ecosystem

Increasing the resources available to your No-Code developments leads to considering the “Center of Excellence” (CoE) delivery model. This is a strategic approach to No-Code Application Development which aims to foster more standardisation and formal process around how a no-code platform is used. As the name for this model implies, an organisation would likely need to have gained some expertise across at least a few no-code projects before implementing a CoE model.

Here’s a list of some of the considerations related to implementing a No-Code Center of Excellence.

Center of Excellence (CoE) Model:

  • Led by a cross-functional CoE leader with a team of skilled knowledge workers
  • Aims to maximise efficiency and standardise best practices
  • Usually forms part of a broader digital transformation initiative
  • May have direct full-time staff or operate in a matrix environment
  • Combines business unit-driven roles with specialised no-code roles within the CoE

Considerations for Customers:

  • Accelerates learning and adoption of no-code best practices.
  • Enables no-code components to be distributed across different teams
  • May introduce complexity in governance due to shared accountability between the business units and the CoE.
  • Requires additional budget allocation to support a central dedicated team.
  • Centralisation of resources across the organisation could replace IT backlogs with No-Code backlogs if resources are not adequate.

The No-Code model which we prefer to recommend is the “Fusion Team” delivery model – and we think that this is the best option if you are looking for a single platform solution for Customer Experience.

Fusion teams comprise multidisciplinary team members from both business functions as well as the IT department. Because this model fuses pools of knowledge together, it is optimal for projects that demand greater technical expertise and complexity, such as integration with legacy systems or developing new elements that may be unavailable the no-code platform.

Here’s a summary of this model and key considerations for customers:

Fusion Team Models:

  • Are a collaboration between business functions and IT.
  • Are ideal for projects with higher technical requirements.
  • Involve software developers who contribute to specific technical areas.
  • Share accountability for the no-code application.

Considerations for Customers:

  • Projects can access technical development skills.
  • Blends technology, analytics, and business domain expertise.
  • Introduces complexity in governance due to shared accountability between the business unit and the fusion team.
  • Requires additional budget allocation for IT-related technical talent.
  • Necessitates alignment between IT and business functions.

No-Code Roles

No-Code Stakeholder:

Possessing a solid understanding of the impact technology can have, the No-Code Stakeholder is a senior leader who serves as the executive sponsor for a no-code project.
- Defines the business vision
- Aligns technology with business objectives
- Creates a collaborato

Business Architect:

As the mastermind behind the project, this senior expert understands the intricacies of the business’s and users’ needs and ensures that developments are aligned with objectives.
- Defines the business vision
- Manages system design and developments
- Identifies reusable components

Citizen Developer:

Armed with the power of no-code tools, the Citizen Developer engages in system configuration and quality assurance activities to ensure that the No-Code solutions work optimally for the business and user.
- Experience of problems that need to be solved
- Rapidly develops applications with no-code tools
- Makes changes following User feedback

CoE Leader:

As a cross-functional leader, the No-Code CoE Leader takes charge of managing resources when the Centre of Excellence model is adopted.
- Budgeting, people management
- Streamlining development processes
- Prioritises development for the wider business

Software Developers/QA:

As experienced software developers and testers, this role actively participates in constructing and testing complex technical components within the fusion team model.
- Technical Expertise
- Coding skills
- Knowledge of Development methodologies

Approvers (IT/Operations):

Engaging at various project stages, traditional IT roles play a crucial role in ensuring compliance, governance, and security. Armed with expertise in governance, they conduct final checks and provide approval for the project launch.
- Oversees the governance of developments
- Provides security-focussed insight
- Compliance with business IT standards

No-Code Stakeholder:

Possessing a solid understanding of the impact technology can have, the No-Code Stakeholder is a senior leader who serves as the executive sponsor for a no-code project.


- Defines the business vision
- Aligns technology with business objectives
- Creates a collaborato

Business Architect:

As the mastermind behind the project, this senior expert understands the intricacies of the business’s and users’ needs and ensures that developments are aligned with objectives.


- Defines the business vision
- Manages system design and developments
- Identifies reusable components

Citizen Developer:

Armed with the power of no-code tools, the Citizen Developer engages in system configuration and quality assurance activities to ensure that the No-Code solutions work optimally for the business and user.


- Experience of problems that need to be solved
- Rapidly develops applications with no-code tools
- Makes changes following User feedback

CoE Leader:

As a cross-functional leader, the No-Code CoE Leader takes charge of managing resources when the Centre of Excellence model is adopted.


- Budgeting, people management
- Streamlining development processes
- Prioritises development for the wider business

Software Developers/QA:

As experienced software developers and testers, this role actively participates in constructing and testing complex technical components within the fusion team model.


- Technical Expertise
- Coding skills
- Knowledge of Development methodologies

Approvers (IT/Operations):

Engaging at various project stages, traditional IT roles play a crucial role in ensuring compliance, governance, and security. Armed with expertise in governance, they conduct final checks and provide approval for the project launch.


- Oversees the governance of developments
- Provides security-focussed insight
- Compliance with business IT standards

Who are your No-Code heroes?

Project Managers:

Transferable Skills: Project planning, stakeholder management, task coordination, and ensuring project alignment with business goals. These skills can apply to No-Code Stakeholders and No-Code CoE Leaders for effective project management.

Business Analysts:

Transferable Skills: Requirement gathering, process analysis, and understanding business needs. These skills align well with No-Code Stakeholders and No-Code Business Architects, who define project requirements and ensure alignment with business value.

UX/UI Designers:

Transferable Skills: User empathy, design thinking, and creating user-friendly interfaces. These skills are valuable for No-Code Creators who configure systems with a strong understanding of the user experience.

Compliance and Security Specialists:

Transferable Skills: Governance, compliance, and security expertise. Approvers (IT/Operations) in a No-Code project benefit from these skills, ensuring project compliance and security criteria are met.

Data Analysts/Scientists:

Transferable Skills: Data analysis and understanding data-driven decision-making. These skills can be useful for No-Code Business Architects who need to align the solution with data-related business value.

Product Managers:

Transferable Skills: Product vision, feature prioritization, and market understanding. These skills can be applied by No-Code Stakeholders in defining the vision and requirements for no-code projects.

Sales and Marketing Professionals:

Transferable Skills: Market knowledge, customer understanding, and communication skills. These skills can be valuable for No-Code Stakeholders who need to ensure the project aligns with market needs and customer expectations.

Financial Analysts:

Transferable Skills: Budget management and financial analysis. These skills can be beneficial for No-Code CoE Leaders, who manage resources within a budget and need to ensure efficient resource allocation.

Discover why DELIVERY MODELS is the ideal choice for your business

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Our team has skills and experiences from a range of different customer experience, software development and technology backgrounds. We take pride in contributing to your vision, developing your technology ambitions, and helping you to get the technical parts of your business right.

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