
Technical Architecture

Establishing a Technical Architecture for an integrated IT system is crucial, especially where the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is planned to provide a comprehensive 360-degree view of customers by consolidating data from multiple sources.

Technical Architecture for Customer Insight

For CRM systems focusing on a 360-degree customer view, a robust Technical Architecture is even more crucial. It acts as the foundation for consolidating and managing customer data from diverse touchpoints.

Through aggregation, normalisation, and analysis of information from various sources, Format14CRM’s team empowers businesses to gain deeper insights into their customer’s behaviour, preferences, and the type and quality of the interactions they have. This consolidated view is vital for effective customer engagement and relationship management.

Deploying Format14CRM’s Technical Architects on complex projects also allows risks to be identified and managed early on, so it can also pay long term dividends for smaller projects too.

Why Deploy Technical Architects for CRM?

Seamless Integration:

Modern CRM’s need to act as a hub for data from various sources (like sales, marketing, customer support), channels (email, telephony, chat, chat bots) and technologies (business intelligence, accounts, ERP, Field Service).
A well-defined Technical Architecture facilitates the smooth flow of information to facilitate a seamless integration of diverse systems and databases. This ultimately enhances the understanding of the needs and behaviours expressed by prospects and customers across your business as can be women together for a holistic view.

Data Consistency and Accuracy:

A Technical Architecture is also an opportunity to create or extend existing standards to ensure consistency and accuracy of data. When different sources contribute data to the CRM, there's a risk of duplications, discrepancies, or conflicting information which can be detrimental to numerous business situations. A technical architecture should eliminate all duplicity, establish masters, and provide clear guidance on how to manage and resolve existing issues to ensure ongoing data integrity and quality.

Scalability and Flexibility:

Effective Technical Architecture should also hold business objectives at the heart of its design process so today’s technical considerations must anticipate future needs and growth. As businesses and the environment they operate in changes, CRM systems need to evolve and adapt. Technical Architecture accounts for different aspects of scalability, such as the addition of new data sources, channels, applications and functionalities or maintaining performance as usage increases so growth is unhindered by technical limitations..


Implementing a comprehensive Technical Architecture from the outset can reduce costs in the long term and should be considered seriously for businesses with complex requirements or ambitious plans to use technology.
By minimising the likelihood of future rework, identifying and managing risks, mitigating integration challenges, and avoiding potential data discrepancies businesses avoid costly errors.

Efficiency and Performance:

With a focus on data transferability, architecture can significantly influence the performance of the CRM system by optimise data retrieval, processing, and storage, and minimising latency issues. This leads to faster response times, more efficient operations and ensures a smooth user experience.

Security and Compliance:

With data being collected from various sources, security and compliance are critical. A robust architecture implements security measures to safeguard sensitive customer information and ensures compliance with data protection regulations. It outlines protocols for access controls, encryption, and data governance.

Discover why TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE is the ideal choice for your business

About us

Why choose Format14CRM AS CRM PARTNER?

Our team has skills and experiences from a range of different customer experience, software development and technology backgrounds. We take pride in contributing to your vision, developing your technology ambitions, and helping you to get the technical parts of your business right.

Does your business’ Ecosystem need a helping hand?

Format14CRM has the skills, experience and knowledge to turn even the most challenging set of requirements into a real world software application. If that means a customised CRM or creating a new business software application that you just can’t seem to find anywhere, we’d love to hear from you!

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