
A 360-degree view onto customers should be the cornerstone of a comprehensive approach to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and a priority for your Customer Experience (CX) strategy. This involves constructing a view onto data which shows all the ways that a business has interacted with their prospects, customers or clients by aggregating data from all available touchpoints into a Single View of the Customer.

With a Customer 360 approach, organisations get a better understanding of their customers’ needs, preferences, behaviours and can combine this with any relevant influences on the business relationship. With data available for decision making, you are empowered to drive customer satisfaction and business growth by better understanding how to be the business your customers want you to be.

Rich Data for Increasing Share of Customer Wallet: In the modern customer service landscape, access to rich data is invaluable.

By improvising internal understandings of customers – whether in terms of purchase history or the personal preferences they express – you’ll be able to gain insights that allow you to create tailored offers and campaigns as well as define tactics and strategies for account management and sales planning. A customer centric and data-driven approach allows you to better anticipate needs, identify cross-sell and upsell opportunities, boost revenue and drive customer satisfaction.

A CRM that’s been implemented with a Customer 360 mindset ensures that an agent’s interface is optimised to provide a holistic view of each contact and a clear view onto the tasks that they need to prioritise. A data rich customer focussed interface allows agents to work on tasks efficiently and effectively while allowing them to conduct each interaction in a way that is empathetic to the situation of the person that they are working with.

Business Process Automation is the game-changer in modern CRM. Accelerated response times mean better experiences, and less ‘busy-work’ for customer facing teams so they can spend more time with customers. Business Process Automation also provides an opportunity to eliminate human errors, eradicate unnecessary or repetitive tasks and allow human agents to add value that enrich a customer’s experience.

For a business to be agile and responsive it needs to ensure that it is coordinated. Seamless integration which facilitates mission-critical information sharing is therefore an essential consideration for effective CRM.

Connecting CX platforms with ERP provides limitless opportunities to strike balances between available stock and sales promotions. Consider how real-time inventory and manufacturing information could help to inform complex sales cycles that rely on sophisticated configure, price and quote (CPQ) functionality.

The ability to connect CRM with these backend systems is also instrumental in delivering efficient and effective customer service. Real-time accuracy also fosters a sense of reliability and trust – disconnected systems can by contrast result in confusion and churn.

Making a customer portal or self-service website a fundamental component of your customer service strategies is now table stakes for convenient business. Self-service empowers your customers to find answers and resolve issues when and where they want.

Offering self-service options like FAQs, knowledge bases, chatbots, and interactive tutorials not only enhances the customer experience but also reduces the strain on support teams by providing a convenient, 24/7 support option. Your customers will appreciate the flexibility they get from instant access to information while your business benefits from reduced support ticket volumes.

Discover why CUSTOMER & CLIENT SERVICES is the ideal choice for your business

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Our team has skills and experiences from a range of different customer experience, software development and technology backgrounds. We take pride in contributing to your vision, developing your technology ambitions, and helping you to get the technical parts of your business right.

Does your business’ Ecosystem need a helping hand?

Format14CRM has the skills, experience and knowledge to turn even the most challenging set of requirements into a real world software application. If that means a customised CRM or creating a new business software application that you just can’t seem to find anywhere, we’d love to hear from you!

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